We decided to celebrate a dog year of amazing work in the land of endless red dust; Sedona.
Lucky number seven...
Artificial intelligence, outdoor gear, sneakers, and the future of food... we decided to celebrate a dog year of amazing brand work in the land of endless red dust: Sedona.
Known for its unparalleled ability to revitalize and transform, we traveled to the Southwest in search of sun and solitude. With temps in the low 70s, our days were filled with hot, overcrowded hikes and dips in the icy river, forcing our nights to revolve around takeout and red wine. There’s nothing like a little desert energy to get the ideas flowing… and flow they did.
With 27 exposures of Kodak Gold at our disposal, each member of the team documented their journey, curated below for your enjoyment.
Artificial intelligence, outdoor gear, sneakers, and the future of food... we decided to celebrate a dog year of amazing brand work in the land of endless red dust: Sedona.
Known for its unparalleled ability to revitalize and transform, we traveled to the Southwest in search of sun and solitude. With temps in the low 70s, our days were filled with hot, overcrowded hikes and dips in the icy river, forcing our nights to revolve around takeout and red wine. There’s nothing like a little desert energy to get the ideas flowing… and flow they did.
With 27 exposures of Kodak Gold at our disposal, each member of the team documented their journey, curated below for your enjoyment.

Red dust and hot tubs
Transformation takes time
We need more sunscreen
Transformation takes time
We need more sunscreen